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Alexandra Mezulanik was called to the Bar of England & Wales in 2011 (Inner Temple) and admitted to the Bar of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas in 2012. In 2014, she completed her pupillage in the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas as a Judicial Assistant. The Hon. Sir Michael Barnett, the Chief Justice of The Bahamas, and the Hon. Mrs Justice Claire Hepburn were her pupil supervisors.  Embracing her passion for Intellectual Property law, she joined the boutique IP firm, Mosko & Associates, as a consultant.


In the UK, Alex worked as a Judicial Assistant to the Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Kitchin and the Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Floyd in the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, working almost exclusively on IP appeals.  She then worked as a Researcher to the Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob at UCL IBIL, conducting research and drafting opinions for IP mock trials.  She was one of UCL’s team coaches in the Oxford International Intellectual Property Moot from 2018 to 2021.  Alex currently consults for Mosko & Associates and works as a Researcher on the Cloud Legal Project, with a particular interest in big data and IP. 





Intellectual Property Law

Cloud Computing Law





LLM specialising in IP (Distinction)
Queen Mary University of London, Lincoln’s Inn, 2011 ~ 2012
Oxford International Intellectual Property Moot, 2012


Bar Professional Training Course (Outstanding)
College of Law, Bloomsbury, 2010 ~ 2011


LLB (Upper Second Class Honours)
Hatfield College, University of Durham, 2007 ~ 2010





May 2020: ‘Martin v Kogan: (It) Take(s) Two

The Court of Appeal clarifies the joint authorship test’ [2020] 42(6) EIPR 381


Guest Post: Martin v Kogan: Court of Appeal clarifies joint authorship test  IPKat October 2019


Data Brokers and Intellectual Property

IPKat January 2015


Contributor to the UK AIPPI 2019 Study question:

Copyright in artificially generated works





The Hon. Mr Justice Henry Carr, High Court of Justice (Chancery Division)

July 2017


The Hon. Mr Justice Birss, High Court of Justice (Chancery Division)

September 2015




Bahamas Bar Association

Bahamas Bar IP Committee







jevans market.JPG

J. Evans

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